The only thing I don’t miss about my colleague… (我唯独不想念她的是。。。)

One of the teachers at my school has been kidnapped! She’s gone to teach in another school for two weeks…and the impact it has had on our team morale is devastating.

我们学校的一个老师被绑架啦! 她要在另外一个学校带两个星期。。。这给我们带来了灾难性的影响。

Most days begin and end in tears, arguments and fights. The soothing influence on the office atmosphere has been replaced with tension and anxiety.


But every cloud has a silver lining, and one thing I will not miss about ‘B’ is her ASS. Look what she did to my cupcake last week!

塞翁失马,焉知非福,我唯独不想念的是她的屁股。 看她对我的小蛋糕做了什么!



It was almost completely squashed! Now imagine what would have happened to it if she wasn’t a hobbit…



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