#1146 - [UpperIntermediate] 老友重逢




汉生:呵呵, 千万别客气啊!咱们随便吃点就行,最重要的是说说话。


Pan Ying: Hello!
Han Sheng: Hi, Pan Ying. Han Sheng here.
Pan Ying: Hi, buddy, it’s you. I haven’t heard of you for a long time.
Han Sheng: Yeah. I’m in Da Lian now. I call you by a public telephone.
Pan Ying: What? I haven’t noticed that number is Da Lian’s number. Why did you come to Da Lian.
Han Sheng: Pay you a visit on purpose. And then for a business without extra effort.
Pan Ying: Come on. It’s not true. You must be on business. And ask me for a dinner without extra effort.
Han Sheng: Wow. You see me.
Pan Ying: Of course. Ok. I’m joking. It’s so great you’re in Da Lian. When did you arrive? And how long will you stay here?
Han Sheng: I arrive here this morning. And I will leave this evening.
Pan Ying: So short stay. It’s not easy for you to come here. Why not stay for another few days? I will show you around.
Han Sheng: I would rather to stay here for a few days. But there are something else waiting for me. I need to go back as soon as possible.
Pan Ying: How urgent. You stay here for one more day, ok?
Han Sheng: It’s not of my own will. I have no choice. But I think i have the chance to come back again.
Pan Ying: You schedule is so full. Anyway, we should have a meet.
Han Sheng: I will finish my job at about five. And my train is half past nine. If you have time, let’s have a meet and chat together.
Pan Ying: I will finish my job at five too. We can have dinner together. I invite you sumptuous food. You should have a taste of Da Lian’s seafood.
Han Sheng: Well, don’t treat me as a guest. Dinner is not that important than chatting with you.
Pan Ying: You are not my guest. You should let me perform the duties of the host.
Han Sheng: Ok, ok, ok. Obedience is better than politeness.
Pan Ying: Then, you take a taxi to Hai Xing plaza as soon as you finish your job at five. We will meet there. And find a restaurant to have dinner. After dinner we have a walk along the sea side. Have a look at Da Lian’s night view. I will send you to the station at about half past eight. Ok?
Han Sheng: Ok. I will follow your arrangement.
Pan Ying: Then we will keep in touch by phone.
Han Sheng: Ok. See you tonight.


潘颖: はい、もしもし!
汉生: もしもし、潘颖。ぼく、汉生だよ。
潘颖: あら、あなただったの、久しぶりね。(直訳:ずっと連絡してなかったわね。)
汉生: うん。ぼく、今大連にいるんだよ。公衆電話で電話してるんだよ。
潘颖: え!? この番号が大連のだって全然気づかなかったわ。大連に何しに来たの?
汉生: わざわざ旧友のきみを訪ねて来たんだよ。ついでに出張さ。
潘颖: またそんなこと言って。上手言わなくていいわよ。絶対、出張のついでに、私にご飯をたかりに来たんだわ。
汉生: はは。ばれたか。
潘颖: 当たり前よ!もういいから、冗談はやめましょ。あなたが大連に来られて本当によかったわ!いつ着いたの?ここには何日いるの?
汉生: 今朝着いたばかりさ。夜には出ないといけないんだ。
潘颖: そんなに急ぐの!?なかなか来れないんだから、もう2~3日いたら?わたしが観光に連れて行ってあげるわ。
汉生: ぼくも、もう少しいて遊びたいけど、他にもすることがあるから急いで帰らないといけないんだ。
潘颖: 何をそんなに急ぐことがあるの?もう一日いて、明日帰るっていうのもだめなの?
汉生: 自由にならないんだよ、ほんとに仕方ないんだ。また機会があったら来るよ。
潘颖: あなたのこの出張は時間がなさすぎるわ。でも何はどうあれ一度は会わないとね。 
汉生: ぼくは5時頃には仕事を終えて、夜9時半の列車なんだ。もしきみの都合がよかったら会って、昔話でもしようよ。
潘颖: ちょうど私も5時に仕事が終わるから、一緒に食事ができるわ。わたしがご馳走を食べさせてあげるわ、大連に来たからにはここの海鮮を味わうべきよ。
汉生: はは、気をつかわないでよ。適当に食べれたらそれでいいよ、大事なのは話をすることなんだから。
潘颖: あなたこそ私に気をつかわないでよ。土地の者として私におもてなしさせてよ。
汉生: わかった、わかった。じゃあ、お言葉に甘えさせていただきます!
潘 颖: じゃあ、こうしましょう。あなたは5時にするべきことが終わったら、タクシーで直接“星海广场”へ行って、私たちそこで会いましょう。それから近くのレス トランで食事をして、終わったら海辺をちょっと歩いて大連の夜景を見て、8時半頃あなたを駅に送っていくわ。どう?
汉生: うん、全部きみの言うとおりにするよ。
潘颖: じゃあ、そのとき電話で連絡取りましょう。
汉生: わかった、また夕方にね!

Happy Farm on Facebook guide, strategy, tactics, tips and cheats

A lot of my friends have started playing Happy Farm on Facebook and want to know some tips, strategy, cheats or tactics for the game. Here is a guide for Happy Farm on Facebook which will teach you some tips on improving your crops, getting more experience and beating your friends and becoming a Happy Farmer!

happy farm facebook guide strategy cheats tips

Tip 1) Grow, grow, grow

You need plants growing 24/7 in order to beat your friends at Happy Farm on Facebook. Always buy the most expensive vegetables and plant them as soon as possible!


Tip 2) Get a free dog on Happy Farmer

To beat your friends you definitely need a dog to guard your plants and vegetables on Happy Farm on Facebook. The good news - they’re free! Just invite 5 friends who install the game. This is pretty easy because you can just ask your friends to accept the invite and click through the intro, and then they can forget about it.


Tip 3) Get free fertiliser on Happy Farmer

Plants on Happy Farmer grow faster when you give them fertilizer - you can get it free by inviting your friends to play with you on Facebook. A good cheat is to get your friends to sign up but then they don’t need to play - you get the free fertilizer. You can do this up to 5 bags per day!

happy farm facebook hints tips strategy guide cheats

Tip 4) Help your friends on Happy Farmer

This may sound stupid, but actually helping your friends on Happy Farmer is a tactic that can help you. If you browse your friends’ gardens and kill their worms and also their weeds, YOU get experience - this means you level up faster! Spray, spray, spray!


I can’t write the cheat here on my site, but there is one more Happy Farm cheat <---- Click here to read it!

I will add more to this post when time allows, but right now there are just a few of the best tactics, cheats, tips and guides for Happy Farmer on Facebook. Enjoy your Happy Farm guide!


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