Christmas Day (圣诞节)
As this year was the first time that Oytun and I had been away from our families for Christmas, we decided to try to have a traditional celebration. Or as traditional as possible.
We promptly went to Tian zi fang (田子坊) (often referred to by its most famous street, Taikang lu (泰康路)), a network of super-tiny, super-trendy, art-inspired cafés, restaurants and galleries. Coz that’s where we usually hang out at Christmas.
We picked the most Christmassy place we could: A Thai restaurant which doubled as a museum and teddy-bear-making-training-facility. Coz that’s what we usually eat for Christmas dinner.
The best bit? For every Xrmb (I don’t know what X=。。。but it wasn’t too insane) you get a free handmade teddy!
Needless to say, the combination of great food and stuffed animals means this place is a superb place to take a date. Just remember to act suprised when you pick up your fourth free Dinga in as many weeks…
After we went to celebrate Gcobani’s pending birthday (no he is not Jesus, he was born on boxing day. More like Mike Tyson.) On the way out we saw one example of a crossover between the Chinese Hanzi (汉字) character system and English. Something had to give:
Ok so it didn’t end up being too traditional, but it was fun!
ps, TRS and RMS! I’m thinking of you today! NEVER FORGET THE JACUZZI!