Emily Blunt: I can speak Mandarin

Emily Blunt can speak Mandarin – but only knows how to discuss salmon and water pressure.

The actress is promoting her new movie Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, in which her character is tasked with bringing fly fishing to the desert.

Emily is seen speaking Mandarin in the movie but insists people shouldn’t be too impressed with her linguistic talents.

“I only know how to talk about salmon, and that’s it. I only learnt the [lines], I can’t remember what I said! I don’t know what it was,” she laughed, before launching into the language and then admitting she didn’t know what she’d just said. “I was talking about water pressure probably or something really boring – I don’t even know how to say hello in Mandarin!”

The film is based on the book by Paul Torday, although Emily didn’t know that when she first signed up. She only found out when she was chatting to her mother, who is a huge fan of the tome.

“I’d actually already signed on to the project and I called mum and said, ‘I think I’m going to do this salmon fishing film.’ And she went, ‘Salmon Fishing in the Yemen?’ I said, ‘Yes!’ I hadn’t even heard of the book so I didn’t realise it was a very popular book here. I think her and my dad had both read it and loved it so they were quite excited,” she told UK TV show Daybreak.

Emily and her husband John Krasinski are happily settled in Los Angeles. She has no plans to move back to her native UK and doesn’t understand why people are so rude about the American city.

“I live in Los Angeles and I have a really lovely life there. I think Brits like to pooh-pooh LA but actually it’s a really wonderful place to live. Lots of friends, a very full life outside of the industry,” the 29-year-old actress said.


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