Top 10 Tweets of July
The sweltering July heat didn't slow us down here at FluentFlix! We were honored to be featured on premier Chinese learning blogs iLearn Mandarin and Confused Laowai, be named one of the best Chinese Twitter feeds at Hacking Chinese, and surpass 500 followers on Twitter!
As we approach public launch of our amazing new video-based Chinese learning site, lets take a moment to look back on some of our most popular tweets of the month.
What?!? You aren't following @fluentflix on Twitter? No big deal, you are just missing out on great daily words, phrases, chengyus, and original perspectives on learning Chinese. Click that link and all will be forgiven.
10. 扔硬币/扔硬幣
(rēng yìngbì)- to flip a coin: 关于这个问题,我们决定用一个简单的方法来解决,那就是扔硬币,猜硬币的正反
9. 耻笑
(chǐxiào)- to mock, ridicule: 虽然他这次错了,但是大家不应该耻笑他,而是要鼓励他,给他信心
8. 多多益善
(duōduōyìshàn)- the more the better: 一个人身上不可能没有缺点,而都是优点,但是优点还是多多益善的好
7. 偏爱/偏愛
(piān'ài)- favoritism; to show preference: 我偏爱在做决定之前,做很长时间的准备工作
6. 据我所知
(jùwǒsuǒzhī)- as far as I know:据我所知,今天晚上会有一场演唱会
5. 计较/計較
(jìjiào)- to fuss over; petty: 你作为哥哥,要大方,不要为了一点小事儿和弟弟计较
4. 吹牛
(chuīniú)- brag; boast 还没开始考试,他就吹牛,说自己这次一定会是第一名
3. 赶快醒醒吧/趕快醒醒吧
(gǎnkuài xǐng xǐng ba)- Snap out of it! Wake up! 赶快醒醒吧!他已经走了,再也不会回来啦!
2. 调情/調情
(tiáoqíng)- flirt: 你们竟然在公共场合调情,这样太不合适了吧
And (drum roll 用中文怎么说?) our most popular tweet of July was…
1. 替罪羊
(tìzuìyáng)- scapegoat 这次事故的责任不在他,他只是别人找来的替罪羊而已
This is a fantastic word because it is both a supremely descriptive, situation specific word and has a clear, logical etymology.
替- on the behalf of, take the place of
罪- guilt, fault
羊- sheep
A sheep that assumes the guilt on behalf of someone else? Could you think of a more logical Chinese translation for "scapegoat"? We hope all readers of this blog are virtuous, upstanding students of the Chinese language, and when making a mistake, instead of finding a 替罪羊, simply 表白 (biǎobái-confess)!
FluentFlix is a new way to learn Chinese through authentic video content like music videos, movie trailers, news, and inspiring talks. Check out our promo video here, and follow us on Twitter @fluentflix.
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