听新闻学汉语 2012年07月27日

今日话题: * 北京暴雨影响波及晋中铁路太原局启应急预案* 美国火星菜单被批不健康可能"催肥"宇航员* 70年前"复古"礼服亮相由柚子皮拼制而成     (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] [Other Languages] {audio}sc20120727.mp3{/audio}   Read More @ Source

Learn Chinese - Most Used Expression

These are lessons with audios to help you learn Chinese, If you want to hear how do many phrases and expressions sound in Chinese then this is the right place for you, with Linguanaut you can learn for free, have fun!

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