Chengde (承德) – Summer Mountain Resort (避暑山庄)
The highlight of Chengde is without a doubt the Summer Mountain Resort. This massive complex features four main areas: the palace, the lake, the plains, and the mountains. Built during the Qing Dynasty, it served as a summer retreat for the Emperor and his family, who would escape the brutal heat of Beijing to hunt, relax, and hold meetings with visitors. This UNESCO World Heritage Site makes for a great trip out of the capital for common folks as well!
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避暑山庄 – bì shǔ shān zhuāng
Summer Mountain Resort
很难吃但是很好吃 – hěn nán chī dàn shì hěn hǎo chī
It's very difficult to eat, but very delicious.
宫殿区 – gōng diàn qū
Palace Area
湖泊区 – hú bó qū
Lake Area
平原区 – píng yuán qū
Plain Area
文津阁 – wén jīn gé
Wenjin Hall
蒙古包 – méng gǔ bāo
山峦区 – shān luán qū
Mountain Area
少数民族 – shǎo shù mín zú
ethnic minorities
比如蒙古人或者藏人 – bǐ rú méng gǔ rén huò zhě zàng rén
For example, Mongolians or Tibetans.
六和塔 – liù hé tǎ
Pagoda of Six Harmonies
这些小狗真可爱! – zhè xiē xiǎo gǒu zhēn kě'ài!
These puppies are really cute!
他们在睡觉 – tā men zài shuì jiào
They're sleeping.
她们穿着中国传统的衣服 – tā men chuān zhe zhōng guó chuán tǒng de yī fú
They're wearing traditional Chinese clothing.
这里是好地方来跳舞 – zhè lǐ shì hǎo dì fāng lái tiào wǔ
This is a good place to come and dance.
大清华饺子 – dà qīng huá jiǎo zi
Great Qinghua Dumplings
鸭肉炒粉丝 – yā ròu chǎo fěn sī
stir-fried glass noodles with duck meat
很多饺子 – hěn duō jiǎo zi
a lot of dumplings
和干锅土豆片 – hé gān guō tǔ dòu piàn
and a dry hot pot with potato
人民喜欢来这里放风筝 – rén mín xǐ huan lái zhè lǐ fàng fēng zhēng
People like to come here to fly a kite.
清真寺 – qīng zhēn sì