Chengde (承德) – Temple Hopping

Located just a few hours northeast of Beijing is the city of Chengde in Hebei province. During the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor would come here to escape from the heat of Beijing. One particular Emperor – Qianlong – had two incredible temples built here. One is a replica of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, and the other was built especially for his 70th birthday and a visiting Panchen Lama.

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承德站 – chéng dé zhàn

Chengde station


包子 – bāo zi

stuffed steamed bun


普陀宗乘之庙 – pǔ tuó zōng chéng zhī miào

Putuozongcheng Temple


小布达拉 – xiǎo bù dá lā

Little Potala Palace


清朝 – qīng cháo

Qing Dynasty


乾隆帝 – qián lóng dì

Qianlong Emperor


五台门 – wǔ tái mén

Five Pagoda Gate


河北省 – hé běi shěng

Hebei Province


棒槌峰 – bàng chuí fēng

Hammer Rock


万法归一大殿 – wàn fǎ guī yī dà diàn

Wanfaguiyi Hall


须弥福寿之庙 – xū mí fú shòu zhī miào

Sumeru Temple of Happiness and Longevity


大红台 – dà hóng tái

Great Red Terrace


吉祥法喜 – jí xiáng fǎ xǐ

Jixiangfaxi Hall


琉璃万寿塔 – liú lí wàn shòu tǎ

Glazed Tile Pagoda of Longevity


随便 – suí biàn

casual; random


中式比萨 – zhōng shì bǐ sà

Chinese pizza


鹿肉 – lù ròu



饭后我们去一家酒吧 – fàn hòu wǒ men qù yì jiā jiǔ bā

After dinner we went to a bar.

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