Rearrange the words 26 (重组词句)

  • 重组 (chóng zǔ) ( ) means rearrange, 词 (cí) means word and 句 (jù) means sentence.
  • Try to rearrange the characters below to form a meaning sentence.
Sentence 1

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The rice is really appetizing.
Sentence 2

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Watermelons are currently out of season.
Sentence 3

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Every person has two nasal orifices.
Sentence 4

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All this work is driving me crazy.
Sentence 5

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My family just bought a new colour TV.
Sentence 6

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I appreciate everything you have done.
Sentence 7

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I won a cool million dollars in the lottery.
Sentence 8

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The film is full of explicit violence and sex.
Sentence 9

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You should control your temper.
Sentence 10

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She is still in the mopes.

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1. 这饭真香。

2. 现在是西瓜的淡季。

3. 一个人有两个鼻孔。

4. 这些工作快把我逼疯了。

5. 我们家买了一台彩色电视。

6. 我感激你所做的一切。

7. 我买彩票中了一百万。

8. 这部电影充斥着暴力和色情。

9. 你应该控制一下脾气。

10. 她仍然情绪低落。

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