Last chance to get into the Chinese Medicine Essentials course

on 07/15/2012 by Eric Grey in Foundational Science

If you've listened to the podcast I did with Brandon about some of the essential theories of Chinese medicine, if you've read some of his posts about numerology in Chinese medicine, if you've become interested in getting a firm foundation underneath your Chinese medicine understanding and practice…

Well, then, today's your lucky day.  It's the last available day to jump on board for this iteration of the Chinese Medicine Essentials course.  

Getting in now means you get it at the first-timers discount rate, it means you're on track to make the most of future classes, and it means you get to join an exciting, international group of students.

It will be worth your time and energy, believe me.

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Dance & Learn CHINESE with Mei Mei, vol. 4

I am so glad that we are finally able to present this lively and educational dance video. It was filmed in Anhui Province, with the help of a small group of beautiful young local children (aged 4-8). We had a wonderful time filming, thanks to the support and hard work of these children and their families. We also relied on the assistance of my own family who reside in Anhui Province. Throughout this collection of songs and dances , the dedication and talent of these youngsters is reflected in their shining faces. The sheer joy of being alive in a beautiful world is expressed in their dancing. The artistry of the choreography and the subtlety of the filming technique help to express the beauty of these Chinese childrens songs. Each song is presented with English, Pinyin and Chinese characters on-screen for maximum educational benefit. Against a changing backdrop of authentic school settings and beautiful exteriors, these adorable children give musical performances that are a real delight to behold. The entire video presents Chinese children in an environment that will appeal instantly to your child. The dances are designed to be easy to emulate by your children as they watch. As with the audio CD, there is plenty of material here for an imitative performance of creative movement. Families and teachers of Chinese culture should find it a splendid resource! --- Mei Mei

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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