Chinese Medicine Essentials course is accepting registration

on 07/10/2012 by Eric Grey in Foundational Science

The Chinese medicine essentials course is now open for general registration.

Click here to learn more and to register
We're accepting 30 students in the first class, and the first module will be ready on July 16.  This course is the first of a series of three that will take you through all the basic theory of Chinese medicine from a classical perspective.  Totally suitable for students, practitioners and even interested members of the public.

I just got to watch one of Brandon's videos, and I have to say that if you're not excited yet – you should be.  His attention to detail and passion for this subject surprised even me!  (If you want to learn more about Brandon, and missed the podcast I posted with me talking to him about the material – you should go check it out).

If you're wondering what the course will cover, the syllabus is on the registration page.

The  course will be discounted through the end of the week, and regis! tration closes Sunday – or when we reach 30 students – whichever comes first.

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