Top 10 Tweets of May

Is it already the end of May? It's already the end of May! Time certainly does fly and that means it's time for another Top 10 Tweets of the Month via @FluentFlix.

Here at FluentFlix, we're all about authentic Chinese language learning materials. We not only provide such material via authentic video content, but we also elaborate on that content via our integrated in-video annotations which are chock-full of useful example sentences. If that weren't enough, we also like sharing, and so we Tweet some of those very words and expressions with example sentences almost daily at our Twitter account @FluentFlix.

We also provide a monthly summary of the most popular, as well as our personal favorites, top 10 tweets of the month. And so, as it's the end of May, here's our Top 10 Tweets of May! 


10.  吃苦耐劳 / 吃苦耐勞 - 5/1 
(chī kǔ nài láo): to endure hardship and be able to work hard. 公司最近在招人,因为是要做销售,所以第一个要求就是一定能吃苦耐劳。

9. 环岛旅行 / 環島旅行  - 5/8
(huán dǎo lǚ xíng): to take a trip around an island. 我要体验整个台湾,所以安排了环岛旅行!

8. 刺激 - 5/11
(cì jī): stimulating; exciting. 这次在游乐场玩得太刺激了,尤其是坐过山车的时候,我的心都要跳出来了!

7.  捉迷藏 - 5/17
(zhuō mí cáng): hide and seek. 我记得小时候经常和爸爸玩捉迷藏,可幸福了!

6. 了不起  - 5/18
(liǎo bù qǐ): incredible; great. 你有车你就很了不起吗?我还有飞机呢!

5.  无理取闹 / 無理取鬧 - 5/21
(wú lǐ qǔ nào): to stir up trouble out of nothing. 我朋友说如果你的女朋友经常无理取闹,那是因为她爱你爱得很深。真的吗?

4. 亲热 / 親熱  - 5/22
(qīn rè): intimate; affectionate; warm. 你们不要那么亲热好吗?请照顾一下我这个单身人士的心情。

3. 做白日梦 / 做白日夢 - 5/23
(zuò bái rì mèng): to daydream; to follow a pipe dream. 你想搞定她?她可是校花啊!你别做白日梦了。

2. 将错就错 / 將錯就錯 - 5/30
(jiāng cuò jiù cuò): to accept consequences and make do. 他和她闪婚,后来发现两人并不合适,但又不想离婚,只能将错就错地过下去了 。


And our number 1 tweet of the month is…


(tiāo tì): picky

Pickiness seems to be all the rage amongst us humans and that's what makes 挑剔 such a useful word. Either you're picky yourself, or you know someone who is, and so if you're learning Chinese you're going to want to know how to say it!

If you take a longer look at 挑剔 it's actually a shade deeper than just 'picky'. Although it can used like the English 'picky', 挑剔, can also specifically refer to being inclined to looking for the bad in things, like the English 'critical', or can also refer to excessive pickiness, not unlike being 'fastidious'. For some more examples of translations of 挑剔 check out Bing's examples, here.

What about you? What word was your favorite?

To get our tweets as they come, follow us on Twitter at @FluentFlix!

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Ron Paul & Glenn Beck on CNN (1 of 7)

Glenn Beck interviews Ron Paul on CNN on December 18, 2007. Learn Mandarin Chinese in Beijing, China

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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