Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - kids song in Chinese Don’t...

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - kids song in Chinese Don’t...


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - kids song in Chinese

Don’t try to translate directly - you can see how the lyrics are different in the page comments at the link above.

Is Sydney doing enough to attract Chinese tourists? - Sydney Morning Herald


Chinese tourists at Mrs Macquarie's Chair. 13 January 2012. AFR Photo by Andrew Quilty.

The usual traps ... Sydney-siders need to be more concerned with offering the influx of Chinese tourists a more "authentic" Sydney. Photo: Andrew Quilty

The Businesswoman: Lyn Lewis-Smith

CHINESE travellers on the move for leisure and business present a valuable opportunity for Sydney. Australia, and Sydney in particular, continues to attract more business travellers, with Chinese convention and conference visitor arrivals rising 4 per cent in the year to March 31.

Sydney's events and tourism industry is making efforts to become ''China ready''. An increasing number of hotels, attractions and suppliers are providing Chinese language or cultural study lessons for staff, integrating Chinese language tours into their programs and rethinking menu and media options.

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Sydney Airport is working with BESydney and Destination NSW to ensure people feel welcome from the moment they disembark. The City of Sydney is about to introduce seminars for city retailers to help them understand the needs and expectations of Chinese visitors. And BESydney hosts an annual international market brief for its 200-plus industry members that focuses on sharing insights into the Chinese business event market.

A whole-of-city approach is required to successfully extend the welcoming atmosphere we are known for to our Chinese guests. There is good work under way, but there is always room for more.

This financial year BESydney has secured 32 Asian corporate events estimated to be worth more than $90 million to the NSW economy. These events will attract about 18,500 visitors who will spend a combined 91,700 days in Sydney. About one in three of the events is from China.

Chinese organisations behind such events are drawn to destinations that offer culture, commerce and creativity in spades. They seek dynamic business environments, innovative team-building activities, once-in-a-lifetime experiences and world-class leisure options. This is a package that Sydney has a strong track record in delivering.

Are we doing enough to attract the lucrative Chinese visitor? I would ask instead: do we really understand the value of this market? My answer is Chinese leisure and business travellers improve our visitor and knowledge economies. Business travellers present opportunities for trade and investment, knowledge exchange, innovation and collaboration. A strong relationship with Chinese visitors, beyond the transactional, is essential to the success of our city and our state.

Every Sydney business should be asking how it can contribute to a more welcoming city and how can it engage with visitors in a meaningful way. Sydney needs to jump into the Asian century boots and all to maximise the opportunities in a growing market.

Lyn Lewis-Smith is the chief executive of Business Events Sydney.

The Saleswoman: Sandra Chipchase

CHINA sits firmly at the centre of Destination NSW's plans to double overnight tourism spending for the state by 2020. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Australia's diplomatic engagement with China, the number of visitors from China has risen from fewer than 500 in 1972 to 542,000 last year.

NSW is gearing up for further extraordinary growth in those numbers. Visitors from mainland China to

this state increased nearly 8 per cent last year. We welcomed 303,000 Chinese visitors, who spent a record $1.2 billion. This is forecast to increase 150 per cent by 2020.

But the expected boom in Chinese tourism should not be taken for granted. Volatile geopolitical and economic conditions make a growth strategy challenging. Therefore, we need to work harder and smarter.

Destination NSW is working to develop the supply and demand side of the tourism equation.

On the supply side, we are working closely with industry partners to improve cultural awareness, language skills and support to service visitors' needs better.

On the demand side, we are building strong, sustainable industry partnerships. We work closely with our industry partners to secure opportunities to promote their products and services in China. We have created more than 20 strategic partnerships with municipal governments, airlines, travel distributors, infrastructure organisations and industry groups.

We are also investing significantly in innovative marketing campaigns, using traditional, social and digital media. A digital promotion we ran on the Chinese social networking site Weibo resulted in more than 4000 Chinese visitors arriving for the Vivid Festival.

Big events such as the Sydney Festival are an important lever for our Chinese partners - this year China Southern Airlines was a major sponsor.

China is turning from its export- and investment-led model to an economy driven by domestic demand. By 2020, China's middle class will number 670 million - a huge group of newly prosperous people keen to travel and study overseas.

Australia, as a unique travel destination, welcomes China's economic growth. NSW welcomes the lion's share of Chinese visitors and we have a clear plan for maintaining that leadership and reaching our tourism industry's full potential.

Sandra Chipchase is the chief executive of Destination NSW.

The Community Leader: Daphne Lowe Kelley

HOW quickly things can change. Twenty or so years ago, when I was working in the travel and tourism industry, I attended a meeting convened by the Australian Tourist Commission (now Tourism Australia) to discuss the Asian inbound market. I remember representatives from Qantas and the commission saying it would be some time before it became necessary to open a dedicated office in China.

Last year China was Australia's third-largest market with 542,000 arrivals, generating export earnings of $3.5 billion. In the first four months of this year, we had 125,000 arrivals from China, an increase of 14.5 per cent on the same period last year. The Chinese have become the mass tourists of the 21st century, with projected arrivals in Australia of more than 1 million in 2020-21. Large as that may be by Australian standards, it is a drop in the ocean of the projected 100 million Chinese outbound tourists.

Tourism Australia wants a share of this market, as witnessed by the launch of the ''There's nothing like Australia'' campaign on June 4 in Shanghai, aimed at potential travellers from China's largest city and from Beijing and Guangzhou. Government agencies can help to bring tourists here but it is up to the host destination to make visitors welcome.

More than half the Chinese visitors come to Australia for education, with those coming on holiday, for business or to visit family and friends making up the balance. Most of the holidaymakers are middle-class tourists on packaged group holidays, operated by predominantly Chinese tour operators.

They get to see our obvious tourist attractions - the Opera House, harbour, The Rocks, Chinatown, kangaroos and koalas - and are taken to duty-free shops, but few get to meet those of us who live here. And if they did, could we converse with them? More Australians, especially those looking to increase their share of this growing business, need not only to read and write Mandarin, but also to understand more about these new tourists.

The Chinese have a long history of coming to Australia, beginning with their friendly trading visits to northern Australia. Unfortunately, this changed during the colonial period and after Federation, when they were subjected to discriminatory policies. We need to understand the past to understand the future - I would like to see a museum or centre in Sydney depicting the history of visits and settlement by the Chinese.

I would like all visitors to get the impression of Australia as a friendly multicultural nation, a fusion of all those who came as immigrants, living in harmony with the first Australians. Is that too much to hope for?

Daphne Lowe Kelley is the president of the Chinese Heritage Association of Australia.

The Advertiser: Craig Davis

PEOPLE in Melbourne often say Sydney is like Los Angeles: shallow and superficial. Our good looks are a blessing and a curse. Melburnians may envy the harbour, bridge and scrum of nuns at Bennelong Point but are quick to say Melbourne has overcome a dearth of physical iconography with vibrant arts and culture, radiating style and sophistication to travellers.

In fact, Melburnians talk about Melbourne in much the same way people in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth do: Melbourne got its story straight and stuck to it.

Sydney has a tremendous opportunity to attract a greater share of the Chinese tourism market - we just need to craft our own authentic, seductive and progressive story.

Never discount the power of storytelling. No amount of technological change alters how critical stories are to understanding our place in the world as individuals, families and, yes, cities.

Research tells us Australians are relating less to the physical and more to people and culture. That applies equally in piquing visitor curiosity: they come for the experience, not just to snap the bridge and Bondi but to be swept up in our creative energy and unique flavour of humanity. Or at least they could.

Our physical gifts are considerable, but our beauty runs well below the surface. Rather than leaning on the iconography that habitually promotes Sydney, we can become better known for our cultural virtues by showcasing a dynamic, friendly, inclusive and eclectic creative community that visitors can immerse themselves in.

For Tourism Victoria, Publicis Mojo created the world's longest-running tourism marketing program, ''You'll love every piece of Victoria''. Its most recent chapter is a story aimed at deepening visitors' appreciation of Melbourne's creative subculture.

Sydney's story is also there to be told. More than a million Sydneysiders speak a language other than English. We must promote our cultural diversity, reflected in everything from food and fashion to the arts. TakeVivid Sydney: its positioning as a ''festival of light, music and ideas'' captures the promise perfectly.

When we get our story straight, Sydney will be even more desirable to the growing Chinese tourist market, to interstate travellers and, yes, even a few more Melburnians.

Craig Davis is the co-chairman and chief creative officer of Publicis Mojo and a member of the state government's Creative Industries Task Force.

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