Musicology (the Chinese Way)

Posted on 07. May, 2012 by sasha in Art, Culture, music, music festivals, Vocabulary

Do you like listening to music? (你喜欢听音乐吗?- nǐ xǐ huan tīng yīn yuè ma)

I don't know about you, but I really like listening to music (我非常喜欢听音乐 – wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huan tīng yīn yuè)

Well, what kind of music do you like? (你喜欢什么音乐 – nǐ xǐ huan shén me yīn yuè)

To help you build your music related vocabulary, here are a few ways you could answer that question:

I like (我喜欢 – wǒ xǐ huan)…

  • rock music (摇滚音乐 – yáo gǔn yīn yuè)
  • pop music (流行音乐 – liú xíng yīn yuè)
  • jazz (爵士 -  jué shì)
  • rap (说唱 – shuō chàng)
  • country music (乡村音乐 – xiāng cūn yīn yuè)
  • blues (蓝调 – lán diào)
  • electronic music (电子音乐 – diàn zǐ yīn yuè)
  • heave metal (重金属音乐 – zhòng jīn shǔ yīn yuè)
  • classical music (古典音乐 – gǔ diǎn yīn yuè)
  • reggae (雷鬼 – léi guǐ)

While we're at it, here's some more useful music related vocabulary:

  • singer (歌手 – gē shǒu)
  • band (乐队 – yuè duì)
  • song (歌曲 – gē qǔ)
  • album (专辑 – zhuān jí)
  • instrument (乐器 – yuè qì)
  • concert (音乐会 – yīn yuè huì)
  • music festival (音乐节 – yīn yuè jié)

I know you like listening to music, but can you make music?

Can you sing? (你会唱歌吗 – nǐ huì chàng gē ma)

Can you play guitar? (你会弹吉他吗 – nǐ huì tán jí tā ma?)

To answer affirmatively, simply say "(I) can" (会 – huì), and to answer negatively, just add the character 不 – "(I) cannot" (不会 - bú huì).

In addition to learning basic vocabulary, you should familiarize yourself with Chinese instruments. Thankfully, we've got you covered here. Check out some of these past posts about traditional Chinese instruments:

If you're into music festivals and concerts as much as I am, and you enjoy hilarious stories, you might as well go ahead and read some of my more entertaining posts about some Chinese music festival experiences:

  • Yi Xian Music Festival Part One: Read about our ridiculous journey out into the middle of nowhere for a music festival, which found us sleeping in a KTV bar.
  • Yi Xian Part Two: Finally in Yi Xian, we set up camp in a dirty parking lot, and convinced people to buy beer for us in exchange for photos.
  • Zhang Bei In Music Festival Part One: A 6-hour bus ride finds us out in the countryside of Hebei province for a summer time music festival.
  • Zhang Bei Part Two: Cultural differences, late night dance parties, and people eating french fries with chopsticks.

If videos are more your thing, here's a little highlight reel I made from the In Music Festival:

YouTube Preview Image

Whether you are into traditional Chinese music, or the more modern sensation of C-Pop, listening to music can help you understand a lot about Chinese culture and can also improve your language skills. So what are you waiting for? Listen to, play, sing along, and dance to some Chinese music!

Hailing from the mean streets of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Sasha graduated from Michigan State University (Go Green!) in 2008 with a BA in Digital Media. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Beijing, where he still lives and works as an English teacher, Video Production teacher, and writer/video producer for Transparent Language.

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