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Pronunciation : hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. do harm to; cause trouble to. (v)
  2. kill; murder. (v)
  3. contract. (v)
  4. feel uneasy. (v)
  5. harm. (n)
  6. harmful. (adj)
Radical :
Strokes : 10
Traditional :
Usage : 21.1%
Common Words / Phrases:
hài pà
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : be afraid of; be scared
hài sào
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : feel ashamed; be bashful
hài xiū
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : be bashful; be shy
shā hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : kill; murder
wēi hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : harm; undermine
yǒu hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : injurious; harmful
lì hai
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : terrible; formidable
lì hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : fierce; terrible
shāng hài
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : hurt; injure
1. His mistake forced the company into bankruptcy.
de shī hài de gōng chǎn
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他的 : his
失误 : mistake
: force; make; cause trouble to
: (particle) used to link a verb or an adjective to a complement which describes the manner or degree
公司 : company
破产 : bankcrupt
2. Smoking is harmful to your health.
yān yǒu hài jiàn kāng
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
吸烟 : smoking
有害 : harmful; damaging
健康 : health
3. I am scared of needles.
hài zhēn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: I
害怕 : be afraid of; be scared
打针 : to give or have an injection
4. She is a very shy girl.
shì hěn hài xiū de hái
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: she
: is
: measure word
: very
害羞 : shy
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
女孩 : girl
5. He was terribly thirsty.
kǒu de hài .
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: he
口渴 : thirsty
: used after a verb or an adjective to express possibility or capability
厉害 : terribly
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Learn Chinese with Carol: Lesson 1- Hi / I am (你好/我是) Do you know what's the most spoken language in the world? It's 中文(zhong1 wen2)¸ Chinese Mandarin. In this lesson, teacher Carol will teach you how to say hi and introduce yourself in Mandarin. When you see your friends, the first thing you say to them is "Hi" or "Hello". In Mandarin we say "你好" (Ni3 Hao3). "你" (ni3) means you, "好" (hao3) means good. Together its "你好" (ni3 hao3),which is "hi" in Mandarin To introduce yourself, we say "我是" (wo3 shi4) then your name. "我" (wo3) means "I", "是" (shi4) means "am". Together, it's "我是" (wo3 shi4) means "I am". Panda 寶寶(bao3 bao) and Monkey 貝貝(bei4 bei) will demonstrate for us: Panda寶寶: 你好,我是寶寶(ni3 hao3, wo3 shi4 bao3 bao) Monkey貝貝: 你好,我是貝貝(ni3 hao3, wo3 shi4 bei4 bei) Panda寶寶: 再見(zai4 jiang4) Monkey貝貝: 再見(zai4 jiang4) It's easy right? Now you know how to introduce yourself in Chinese. Practice with your friends and family, or even when you go to a Chinese restaurant! We'll see you next time. 再見!

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