
两千多年以前,中国还没有统一,北方有很多国家,这些国家之间常常发生战争。 当时有一个国家叫赵国,赵国有一位非常有名的将军叫廉颇,他打仗非常勇敢,立了很多战功,赵国人都很尊敬他。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120509-yonggan1F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Basic Greetings in Mandarin Chinese: Hello, How Are You, Thank you, Good-bye etc. 你好!

Learn hello, how are you, I am very good, thank you, you're welcome, and Good-bye in Chinese with Emma! Please subscribe if you like :) More videos will be uploaded very soon! Thank you for your support! (Learn Chinese with Emma)

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