
蔺相如回答道:"你们觉得,是秦王厉害还是廉颇厉害?"大家说:"当然是秦王厉害。"蔺相如说:"我连秦王都不怕,难道我会怕廉颇吗?"大家又问:"你不怕他,为什么要躲着他呢?"蔺相如说:"你们知道秦国为什么不敢侵略我们吗?就是因为我们赵国有廉颇这样勇敢的武将和我这样的文官。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120511-yonggan2F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Kids' Mandarin/ Chinese story: Big Bird & Little Bird

This is a great Chinese( Mandarin) kids story to help kids learn big and small in Mandarin. It is read by the head teacher at Mandarin mandarin Bilingual Centre, a children's learning centre based in the Eastern Suburbs and North Shore of Sydney. If you would like to learn more about Mandarin mandarin Bilingual Centre visit the website www.mandarinmandarin.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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