Where is it?

We all lose things, and we all get lost – me more so than others. This short video is meant to help you ask where things and places are in Chinese, and understand basic locations, such as: on, under, in, in front of, behind, etc. Follow along with the video and then study the vocabulary to put it to good use.

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___ zài nǎ lǐ?
Where is ___?

___ 在哪儿?
___ zài nǎ 'er
Where is ____?

wǒ de shǒu jī zài nǎ lǐ
Where is my cell phone?

上 – shàng

下 – xi

手机在桌子上 – shǒu jī zài zhuō zi shàng
The cell phone is on the table.

手机在桌子下 – shǒu jī zài zhuō zi xi
The cell phone is under the table.

里 – lǐ

我的书在哪里? – wǒ de shū zài nǎ lǐ?
Where is my book?

书在背包里 – shū zài bèi bāo lǐ
The book is in the backpack.

书在桌子上 – shū zài zhuō zi shàng
The book is on the table.

手机在背包里 – shǒu jī zài bèi bāo lǐ
The cell phone is in the backpack.

前面/前边 – qián miàn/qián biān
in front of

后面/后边 – hòu miàn/hòu biān

旁边 – páng biān
next to

对面 – duì miàn
across from/opposite

邮局 – yóu jú
post office

银行 – yín háng

超市 – chāo shì

地铁站 – dì tiě zhàn
subway station

医院 – yī yuàn

酒店 – jiǔ diàn

银行在哪里? – yín háng zài nǎ lǐ
Where is the bank?

银行在酒店前面 – yín háng zài jiǔ diàn qián miàn
The bank is in front of the hotel.

银行在酒店后边 – yín háng zài jiǔ diàn hòu biān
The bank is behind the hotel.

邮局在医院对面 – yóu jú zài yī yuàn duì miàn
The post office is opposite the hospital.

超市在地铁站旁边 – chāo shì zài dì tiě zhàn páng biān
The supermarket is next to the subway station.

再见 – zài jiàn

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