to have a shower

T: 沖澡   S: 冲澡

chong1 zao3

ㄔㄨㄥ ㄗㄠˇ

= to have a shower

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Chinese Mandarin Lesson 1 - Consonants, vowels and tones

Hey guys, I'm Jing. I made this video for people who want to learn Chinese. This video carries 3 parts: Consonants, vowels and tones. Pronunciation is important for learning a new language. So I hope you guys will spend some time to work on it. If you find this video helpful, remember to rate, comment and subscribe - subscribe and you will know when new videos are uploaded. You can ask me any questions about the Chinese language with comments or mails at The more ratings and comments I have, the sooner I will upload new videos. Next lesson, I will be teaching some useful expressions such as "Where is the atm?" "How much is it?" and etc, so you'll know how to express yourself in Chinese when you travel China!

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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