
三国时期的荆州是南北的交通要道,那里物产丰富,是兵家必争之地。起初,刘备和孙权联手抵抗曹操,刘备的势力比较弱小,孙权就把荆州借给刘备,让他休养生息。后来,孙刘联盟破裂,孙权就想把荆州要回来,但是刘备却不还。于是,孙权就派大将吕蒙带领军队,驻扎在荆州周围,准备夺回荆州。那时,负责看守荆州的是蜀国的大将关羽。吕蒙看关羽防守严密,不敢轻举妄动,心里一急就病倒了。孙权听说后,马上派陆逊来代替吕蒙。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120423-xiaoli1F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Rosa Goes to the City: Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with subtitles - Story for Children "BookBox.com"

罗莎从动物园逃了出来,在城里四处寻找其它大象。想加入它的冒险吗? Rosa escapes from the zoo and wanders about the city looking for someone. Want to join in her adventures? For more stories and more languages visit: www.bookbox.com Download the Free BookBox iPhone App in Mandarin: itunes.apple.com

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