Chinese Idiom for a Real-Life Batman

You don't see this every day:

A real-life batman in a Lamborghini "Batmobile" pulled over on the highway for not having a valid license plate.

Though he hasn't fully followed the law, you can tell that the police in the video rather like Batman.

And you know why: because he's 与众不同 (yǔ zhòng bù tóng).

与众不同 (yǔ zhòng bù tóng) literally means "different from the masses," and it has a positive connotation. Think of Apple's slogan "Think Different."

Here's a breakdown of the characters in 与众不同(yǔ zhòng bù tóng): 

与(yǔ): used to indicate comparison here

众(zhòng): the masses (eg. 大众 –  dà zhòng)

不 (bù) : not

同 (tóng): alike or similar (eg. 同样 - tóng yàng)

And here are some examples of 与众不同 in the wild. 

Usage 1) Verb + 得 + 与众不同.

Example 1 A)

"如果一个女孩配戴一副非常美的太阳镜,会让她变得非常与众不同 "

"rú guǒ yí gè nǚ hái pèi dài yī fù fēi cháng měi de tài yáng jìng, huì ràng tā biàn de fēi cháng yǔ zhòng bù tóng"

"If a girl wears a pair of very beautiful sunglasses, she'll become different from the rest"

Usage 2) 与众不同 + 的 + Noun.

Example 2 B)

"…本次比赛呈现出与众不同的亮点 "

"… běn cì bǐ sài chéng xiàn chū yǔ zhòng bù tóng de liàng diǎn "

"…this competition had a lot of bright points that distinguished it from the rest"

Example 2 D)

"与众不同的选择,看适合情人节的车型 "

"yǔ zhòng bù tóng de xuǎn zé, kàn shì hé qíng rén jié de chē xíng "

"A choice that is different from the masses — it looks like a car model that suits Valentine's Day"

And here are some other uses:

Example 3 A)

"我只能说我个人的经历是比较与众不同 "

"wǒ zhǐ néng shuō wǒ gè rén de jīng lì shì bǐ jiào yǔ zhòng bù tóng de "

"I can only say that my own experience is a bit different from that of most people."

Example 3 B)

"以前对微电影略有所闻,这次亲身体会,感觉很与众不同 "

"yǐ qián duì wēi diàn yǐng lüè yǒu suǒ wén, zhè cì qīn shēn tǐ huì, gǎn jué hěn yǔ zhòng bù tóng "

"Earlier I'd heard a bit about these mini-movies, and after experiencing it first hand this time, I think it's really different and unique"

Example 3 C)

"受过良好教育的高收入家庭的年轻人都希望与众不同 "

"shòu guò liáng hǎo jiào yù de gāo shōu rù jiā tíng de nián qīng rén dōu xī wàng yǔ zhòng bù tóng"

"Young people who have received a good education and come from high-income households all hope to be different from everyone else."

Do you know anyone who's 与众不同?

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