
关羽刚走,孙权就派吕蒙带兵攻打荆州。为了骗过荆州的蜀军,吴国的战船都装饰成商船,士兵们都藏在船里。不久,荆州的蜀军发现江面上有很多商船,就问船上的人是干什么的。船上的士兵说:"我们是做买卖的商人。今天江面上的风浪太大,船走不动,我们想到岸上避避风浪。"...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120427-xiaoli2F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Common Words - Learn Mandarin Chinese w/Langhub.com

In this video you can learn some basic words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese. For more free mp3 audio and mp4 video files to help you learn to speak, read and write the Thai, Indonesian and Mandarin Chinese languages, visit Langhub.com.

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