OMG Meiyu videos teach "American Slang" in Chinese (OMG! 美语)

I came across this video series based on a Washington Post article entitled, "‘OMG Meiyu,’ a breakout hit Web show, schools Chinese in American slang". The article gives a lot more background on the star Jessica Beinecke & the show but it is basically a Voice of America show that has become popular in China after one of the clips went viral, embedded below.

Based on a youku search, it looks like most episodes average around 30,000 views. You can watch all the episodes on the YouTube channel here: OMG 美语

The most popular clip on Youku with 1.5 million views is OMG! 美语 Yucky GUNK!. Watch on YouTube.


Depending on your tolerance level of the format, I think some of these episodes could be an interesting way to practice your Mandarin as well as pick up new ways to express common English idioms.

For example, here's another episode that deals with idioms related to fruit, "You're such a peach". Or watch the same peach episode on youku here.


What do you think of the show?


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