Survival Chinese lesson 19 part 2
Survival Chinese lesson 19 part 2
Need to see a doctor? First, make sure that you can describe your symptoms accurately. Learn expressions through the video such as "What's bothering you?" "Register (in a hospital)," "department," "cough," and "doctor." Are you interested in our survival Chinese video? You may visit to get more. Video Rating: 5 / 5Learn Chinese Characters — Root; Origin; Source
The Chinese characters 本 meaning is root; origin; source.
本 is a pictograph of a tree (木) with the root and stump emphasized by a horizontal stroke, indicating the level of the earth. Although the root is the lowest part of the tree, it is of the highest value in its struggle for survival. With good reason, also, 本 is used as a classifier for books, the “root” of knowledge.