Survival Chinese lesson 17 part 2

Survival Chinese lesson 17 part 2

If you are planning for a trip, pay attention to the weather forecast beforehand. In this video, we will learn phrases such as "行(xínɡ) ok/fine," "明天(míngtiān) tomorrow," "多云(duōyún) cloudy." Are you interested in our survival Chinese video? You may visit to get more.

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Survival Chinese lesson 12 part 2

Learn how to express directions with professional Chinese teacher Candice! In this video lesson, our Chinese teacher will show you to express directions through examples. Are you interested in our video lessons? You may visit to enjoy more.

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Learn Chinese Characters — Wit; Wisdom


The Chinese characters 慧 meaning is wit; wisdom.

Two leafy branches held in the hand improvise a broom. Broom placed over heart (心) clears the way for wit and wisdom. Hence: 慧 - a heart swept clean, ready to receive the proverbial counsel: “Man combs his hair every morning; why not his heart?”


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