
从前有一个人,他养了很多猴子。他经常跟猴子们一起玩儿,一来二去,他就慢慢地了解了猴子的脾气,而猴子们也懂得主人的意思。所以,他越来越喜欢这些猴子了,有什么好吃的总是先让猴子们吃。 后来,这个人家里越来越穷了,给猴子的食物也比过去少了。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120824-zhaosanF.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Young black woman speaking Chinese on Taiwan TV show (subtitles)

I'm an American learning Chinese, and I'm always intrigued and inspired by those who have learned to speak Mandarin after childhood. This is 黃怡仁(Huang Yi-ren), a lovely young woman who appeared on a variety competition program in Taiwan called "Temple of the Spicy Queen" (麻辣天后宮), starring Li Jing (利菁). I originally posted this video in 2009, and I thought I had seen her on another program where her name tag said "Fatu", but now (2011) I'm not positive it was the same person. Other African, European, and North & South American women appear regularly on a show here in Taiwan called 姐妹會(Sisters Meeting). There are older episodes on YouTube. **Update Feb. 2011** I added subtitles. My Chinese, while better, still has mistakes; therefore, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always appreciated ☺.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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