听新闻学汉语 2012年08月01日

今日话题: * 中国零失误强势卫冕体操男团 日本银牌失而复得* 奥巴马称其竞选主题转移 拟公布第二任期日程* 美国奶奶级接线员88岁仍工作 称没考虑过退休     (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] [Other Languages] {audio}sc20120801.mp3{/audio}   Read More @ Source

Direct Maid (Learn to Speak Mandarin)

Active Chinese, learn Mandarin and instruction maid in Chinese - I enjoy this course for its interesting teaching method and recommend to anyone its really worth buying the course for a month and learn to speak and read Mandarin in no time at all!

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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