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Pronunciation :
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. mend. (v)
  2. fill. (v)
  3. add. (v)
  4. nourish. (v)
Radical :
Strokes : 7
Traditional : ( Stroke Order )
Usage : 11.8%
Common Words / Phrases:
bǔ chōng
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : replenish; complement; reinforce
bǔ guò
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : make amends for one's faults by good deeds
bǔ pǐn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : tonic
bǔ xí
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : take lessons aftter school
bǔ cháng
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : compensate; make up
féng bǔ
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : sew and mend
hòu bǔ
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : substitutes
1. I tried to make up for my loss.
cháng shì cháng de sǔn shī
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: I
尝试 : try
补偿 : make up
: my
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
损失 : loss
2. Grandma always mend clothes for the whole family.
nǎi nǎi cháng féng quán jiā de
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
奶奶 : grandma
: always
缝补 : mebd
全家 : whole family
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
衣服 : clothes
3. We need to replenish our stocks of coal.
men yào zài chōng méi de chǔ bèi
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
我们 : we
需要 : need
再次 : again
补充 : replenish
: coal
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
储备 : stock
4. Our team has substitutes for quarterbacks.
men duì yǒu liǎng fèn wèi de hòu duì yuán
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
我们 : our
: team
: has
两个 : two
四分卫 : quarterbacks
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
候补 : substitutes
队员 : team member
5. She's coming over this morning to help me with my math.
jīn tiān zǎo chén yào guò lái bāng shù xué
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: she
今天 : today
早晨 : morning
: want
过来 : come over
: help
: me
补习 : tution
数学 : math
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