听新闻学汉语 2012年08月10日

今日话题: * 刘翔完成从优秀运动员向伟大运动员转身* 伊朗9日举行叙问题国际会议 安南或不会参加* 知更鸟人类手中取食 摄影师抓拍精彩画面     (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] [Other Languages] {audio}sc20120810.mp3{/audio}   Read More @ Source

Greetings, Goodbyes, and Thank you In Mandarin Chinese

powerlearning21.com Learn how to say "Hi, how are you", "Thank you" and "Goodbye" in Mandarin Chinese. You will also learn how to write the words in Mandarin Chinese and using the PINYIN system.

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