Rearrange the words 25 (重组词句)

  • 重组 (chóng zǔ) ( ) means rearrange, 词 (cí) means word and 句 (jù) means sentence.
  • Try to rearrange the characters below to form a meaning sentence.
Sentence 1

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The little girl is very lovely.
Sentence 2

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This has nothing to do with you.
Sentence 3

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Shyness inhibited him from speaking.
Sentence 4

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This couple have been married for over thirty years.
Sentence 5

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There are ten people, including you.
Sentence 6

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He was jealous of Tom's wealth.
Sentence 7

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He was sprawling languorously on the sofa.
Sentence 8

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He spoke continuously for three hours.
Sentence 9

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She suffered from an intense pain centered in her palm.
Sentence 10

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She spent a restful night at home.

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1. 这个小姑娘十分可爱。

2. 这事和你没关系。

3. 他因害羞而说不出话来。

4. 这对夫妇结婚30多年了。

5. 连你一共十个人。

6. 他妒忌汤姆的财富。

7. 她疲倦地躺在沙发上。

8. 他连说了三个钟头。

9. 她手掌心剧烈地疼痛。

10. 她在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。

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