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Pronunciation :
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. tired; weary; exhausted. (adj)
Radical :
Strokes : 10
Traditional :
Usage : 3.8%
Common Words / Phrases:
pí bèi
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : tired out; exhausted
pí juàn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : fatigue; weary
pí láo
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : tired; fatigued
jīn pí lì jìn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : be exhausted
1. He was sprawling languorously on the sofa.
juàn de tǎng zài shā shàng
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: she
疲倦 : tired
: very
: lie; to lie down
: at
沙发 : sofa
: on
2. The work load is very heavy for everybody these days, so they are all very tired.
zhè tiān jiā de gōng zuò liàng hěn dōu hěn láo
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: this
: few
: day
大家 : everyone
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
工作量 : work load
: very
: big; heavy
: all
疲劳 : tired
3. I am all in at the end of the race.
pǎo dào zhōng diǎn shí jīn jìn le
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: run
: reach
终点 : the end
: when
: I
: already
筋疲力尽 : be exhausted
: (particle) used after an action that has taken place
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