
日晷又叫"日规",是中国古代利用太阳的影子测量时间的一种计时仪器。它一般由指针和圆盘组成,铜制的指针叫做"晷针",它垂直穿过圆盘中心;石制的圆盘叫做"晷面",它被放在石台上,南高北低,使晷面平行于赤道面,这样,晷针的上端正好指向北天极,下端正好指向南天极。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120615-riguiF.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Sexy Mandarin - Lesson 4: I'm so hot

Learn Mandarin Chinese the sexy way! Follow our SexyMandarin teachers explaining how to say that you are so hot, and need to switch on the air conditioning ! Subscribe to www.sexymandarin.com and see SexyMandarin's latest videos and to view the rest of the clip. Get the latest on SexyMandarin at www.sexymandarin.com Join our Facebook fan page www.facebook.com Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com

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