
三国的时候,孙权向刘备讨要荆州,刘备不给。周瑜对孙权说:"听说刘备的夫人去世了,您可以假意将您的妹妹孙尚香嫁给刘备,骗他来东吴娶亲,然后把他作为人质,这样他一定会交出荆州。"孙权觉得这个办法不错,就派人到刘备那里说媒。刘备听说这件事后,又觉得高兴又有点担心。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120618-zhebing1F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese using IPA (Beijing)

This video goes into detail using the IPA symbols to learn how to pronounce the sounds of standard Mandarin, also known as Beijing Mandarin. I describe some pitfalls that some people have, show you the relationships between groups of sounds and how they are structured. I also tell you how these are written in Pinyin. For more information about the individual pronunciation of the IPA characters, please refer to my IPA pronunciation videos. Glossika Language Training blog on Facebook has many more language resources published there. www.facebook.com

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