Getting back to the basics of websites (my mistake in last blog entry)

on 06/29/2012 by Eric Grey in Business and Productivity

Sometimes, when redesigning a website, the little details get passed over in favor of the larger, more "in your face" items.  Unfortunately, in my case, the most recent detail that got passed over probably left many of you frustrated.  If you tried to click through and read the last blog entry from an RSS reader or email, you probably got a "members only" message that was entirely unintentional.

Imagine my panic when I realized people were thinking that I was suddenly charging for regular blog content!  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Never have, never will.

I've fixed the link, fortunately, and you should be able to see it now.  Thanks to the kind readers who reached out and let me know the link was not working.

Click here to check out the article referenced –  Back to our regularly scheduled content!  :)

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