
丝佳:小丽,今天我们要给大家讲哪个俗语? 小丽:今天我给大家带来的俗语是"恶人先告状"。 丝佳:"恶人"是什么意思呢?恶人为什么还要告状呢? 小丽:呵呵,看来丝佳对这个俗语也不太了解。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120613-erenF.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Chinese Module 1 Lesson 25 with Review Lessons

SUPPOSED TO HAVE DONE IT! NOT ANYMORE! CHANGE了.Glossika's Beginner's Chinese. Follow one lesson every day. These videos include review from the previous 5 lessons for ultimate retention and practice, so you get up to 5x practice of all the material. For extra benefit, you can watch one lesson for two days before going on.

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