Rearrange the words 20 (重组词句)

by Min Min

  • 重组 (chóng zǔ) means rearrange, 词 (cí) means word and 句 (jù) means sentence.
  • Try to rearrange the characters below to form a meaning sentence.
Sentence 1

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At long last the winter was over.
Sentence 2

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When I heard the news I was very surprised
Sentence 3

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The ocean is so vast!
Sentence 4

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Soldiers must obey orders.
Sentence 5

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He’s learning English very quickly.
Sentence 6

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This cinema provides a good service.
Sentence 7

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They voted her their headmistress.
Sentence 8

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She washed her clothes clean.
Sentence 9

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How much money do you need to buy a house?
Sentence 10

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He seldom eats breakfast.

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1. 冬季总算过去了。

2. 听到这个消息我很吃惊。

3. 海洋是多么广阔!

4. 军人必须服从命令。

5. 他英语学得很快。

6. 这家电影院的服务很好。

7. 他们选她做校长。

8. 她把衣服洗干净了。

9. 买房得多少钱?

10. 他很少吃早餐。


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