今天我们要给大家讲一个故事,故事的名字叫做"完璧归赵"。完璧归赵是一个成语,它本指蔺相如将和氏璧完好地从秦国送回赵国,后来也比喻把原物完好地归还本人。那么,完璧归赵到底是怎样的一个故事呢?下面就让我们一起来学习一下这个故事。 [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20120224-wanbiF.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source
How to Learn Chinese - The Mandarin Chinese Alphabet and Pronunciations
Learning Chinese The Easy Way: Read & Understand The Symbols of Chinese Culture (English and Mandarin Chinese Edition)
"Sam Song has a way with words. To teach, he's the best you have heard. The books that he writes are such marvelous sights learning Chinese each day word by word. Chinese words we can learn very fast. And when learned we cry Goodie, at last! For I must know the end. How that story doth wend and to know how it ends is a blast!"-- Poet Mrs. Carol Creed
This book will be a huge help for you, if you are thinking about to get better at understanding or remembering Chinese characters. This book helps you learn and remember Chinese characters in context: this book visually illustrates and explains pieces of every character in two popular Chinese stories, Two Men and The Bear and The Wind and The Sun. Students can use this book as a reference to study other books.
For practicing pronunciation or learning to read the popular Chinese stories in the book, the free downloadable audio files ensure that readers learn the correct pronunciation and tone of each character in the book.
The book also contains a Pinyin-Mandarin Phonetic System cross reference that is handy for people who know Mandarin Phonetic System.
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