听新闻学汉语 2012年02月24日
今日话题: * 朝美高级别对话北京举行 美方低调进出朝使馆* 科学家称发现木星2颗新卫星 比月球还小* 40万天价蛋糕 劳斯莱斯送货 (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] [Other Languages] {audio}sc20120224.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source
Jin Learn Chinese (HQ)
The First 100 Chinese Characters: Simplified Character Edition: The Quick and Easy Method to Learn the 100 Most Basic Chinese Characters (Tuttle Language Library)
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is to learn to recognize, read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. This book adopt a structural approach that helps students overcome this initial difficulty and quickly master the basic Chinese characters fundamental to this language. Intended for beginning students, The First 100 Chinese Characters: Simplified Character Edition contains carefully selected and sequenced characters for rapid and effective learning. Each Chinese character is shown separately on a single page, along with its English definitions, hanyu pinyin romanization, alternate form, a stroke-order guide and ample writing space.
Two indexes--alphabetical by the English meanings and by pinyin romanizationùare provided at the back of each book for quick and easy reference, along with extra sheets of blank boxes for writing practice.
Two indexes--alphabetical by the English meanings and by pinyin romanizationùare provided at the back of each book for quick and easy reference, along with extra sheets of blank boxes for writing practice.
List Price: $ 14.95 Price: $ 5.61