Tongue Twister – 绕口令

from Learn Chinese Everyday 每日学华语

  • 绕口令( rào kǒu lìng ), tongue twister / poem, is useful for you to practice Chinese pronunciation correctly.
  • While preparing my Pinyin ebook, I have included the following 绕口令 into the book. And I am going to share the 绕口令 here today.
  • Here are the 3 words that you need to pay attention to.
兔子 (tù zi) rabbit [Audio clip: view full post to listen]
裤子 (kù zi) pants [Audio clip: view full post to listen]
肚子 (dù zi) stomach; belly [Audio clip: view full post to listen]
xiǎo zi zuò zi
Little rabbit makes pants
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
liàng le zi liàng zi
measured pants then measured belly
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
zuò hǎo zi shàng zi
made pants but can’t pull it over belly
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
xiǎo zi kàn zi
little rabbit looks at pants
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
zhī shì méi liàng zhǔn zi
not sure if measured wrong pants
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
hái shì méi liàng zhǔn zi
or measured wrong belly
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
  • Here is the complete poem. Practice with the right pronunciation until you can read it with no mistakes.
  • 小兔子做裤子,

  • Female voice:
    [Audio clip: view full post to listen]
  • Male voice
    [Audio clip: view full post to listen]
  • For vocabulary, here are a few new words:
    量 : measure
    提 : carry, raise
    准 : accurate


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