from Learn Chinese Everyday 每日学华语

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Pronunciation : yòu
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Meaning :
  1. again. (adv)
  2. both … and …. (adv)
  3. too. (adv)
  4. another. (adv)
  5. and. (adv)
  6. but. (adv)
Radical :
Strokes : 2
Traditional :
Usage : 53.8%
Common Words / Phrases:
1. He came again today.
jīn tiān yòu lái le
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今天 : today
: he
: again
: come
: (particle) used after an action that has taken place
2. The car drives fast and smoothly
chē kāi de yòu kuài yòu wěn
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: car
: drive
: used after a verb or an adjective to express possibility or capability
: both
: fast
: and
: smooth, steady
3. It’s dark, and the roads are slippery too, you’d better not go out.
tiān hēi le yòu huá zuì hǎo bié chū mén
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: sky
: dark
: indicating a change in one’s understanding, idea, view or action
: road
: too
: slippery
: most
: good
: do not
出门 : go out
4. They bought another set of bookshelves for their home.
jiā yòu mǎi le shū jià
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: home
: (preposition) in
: another
: buy
: (particle) used after an action that has taken place
: one
: (measure word) used before nouns without special measure words of their own
书架 : bookshelf
5. Two months and three days.
liǎng yuè yòu sān tiān
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: two
: (measure word) used before nouns without special measure words of their own
: month
: and
: three
: day
6. She wants to go travelling but she’s afraid it’ll tire her out.
xiǎng yóu yòu lèi
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: she
: want to
: go
旅游 : travelling
: but
: scare, affraid
: tired


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