Zharu Valley Eco-Tourism Hike Day Two

Posted on 23. Jan, 2013 by in , , , Leisure, religion, sightseeing, travel

For the second day of the hike, we headed to the sacred peak of the mountain. The views from the top were absolutely stunning, as we were standing at nearly 4,000 meters high. On the way down, we saw a herd of yaks running up the mountain. Another night in a log cabin had us well rested and ready to finish the hike strong.

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上坡 – shàng pō


吃早餐 – chī zǎo cān

eat breakfast

牧民 – mù mín


他很耐心 – tā hěn nài xīn

He's very patient.

下坡 – xià pō


牦牛 – máo niú


他在这里做晚饭 – tā zài zhè lǐ zuò wǎn fàn

He made dinner here.

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