听新闻学汉语 2013年01月25日

今日话题: * 教育部、国家语委规范汉字输入系统 今年5月实施* 美国白宫将继续提名艾伦出任北约最高军事长官* 荷兰男子体验分娩阵痛 疼痛难忍中途放弃     (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] {audio}sc20130125.mp3{/audio}   Read More @ Source

Chinese Pinyin Part 3

This is the 3rd lesson in the Medlock Chinese pinyin course. In this video you will be learn and practice. 1. How to pronounce i, u and ü 2. Do exercises to test recognition of initial and final pinyin sounds 3. Practice the 5th tone of Mandarin Chinese 4. Do an exercise to practice recognizing Chinese tones 5. Learn how to correctly pronounce: wa, wo, wai, wei, wan, wen, wang and wong The course will help both full time Chinese learners at university and people going on holiday to China to help them read and pronounce the names of major tourist destinations in China.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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