
古时候,各地官员经常派人向皇帝献礼。 一次,有个边远地区的官员,派了一个人带着一只白天鹅去献给皇帝。这个人在路上走了好多天,白天鹅的羽毛都弄脏了。他来到湖边,打开笼子,想让白天鹅洗洗澡。可是,白天鹅一出笼子,就展开翅膀飞走了,只在湖边留下了几根羽毛。这个人急得哭了一场。...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] {audio}20130128-qianliF.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Singapore News - MM Lee says Make Mandarin fun!

At the opening of Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said the key to getting the younger generation to learn Mandarin effectively is to capture their interest

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