#1160 - [UpperIntermediate] 买车票
眼 看春节就要到了,可是回家的车票却没有着落。于是今天凌晨五点我就起床了,准备去火车站排队买票。可是刚到火车站,售票窗口前的长龙就让我打起了退堂鼓。 每个售票窗口前都已经排了几十个人。一打听才知道,很多人昨天晚上就开始在售票大厅排队了。看来大家都归心似箭,盼着和家人过一个热闹的团圆年。我想我今 天算是来“晚”了,所以决定现在就回去睡觉,等到晚上十二点,我再来这儿排队。老天保佑,剩一张火车票给我吧。
Soon, Spring Festival will arrive, but I still haven't purchased my ticket to return home. So early this morning, I woke up at 5 a.m. to go to the train station to queue for tickets. However, upon reaching the train station, the queue at the ticket counter was so long that it was a signal for me to turn home. There were few tens of people queuing at every ticket counter. After asking around, I found out that many people had already started queuing at the ticket office since yesterday night. Looks like everyone can't wait to go home, longing to celebrate a lively reunion with their family during the New Year. I think I've come too "late", so I'd just go home and sleep. I'll come again at 12 midnight to queue. May I have the blessings of the heavens, hopefully there will be a train ticket for me.
--Translated by Atchooo@CSLPod
Another stupid Chinese (this time Turkish) Menu in Guangzhuo, China