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Pronunciation : zhǔn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. allow. (v)
  2. be in accord with. (v)
  3. standard. (n)
  4. accurate. (adj)
Radical :
Strokes : 10
Traditional : ( Stroke Order )
Usage : 30.2%
Common Words / Phrases:
zhǔn bèi
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : prepare; get ready; intend; plan
zhǔn què
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : exact; accurate; precise
zhǔn shí
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : punctual; on time
biāo zhǔn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : standard
shuǐ zhǔn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : level
1. His information is inaccurate.
de xiāo zhǔn què
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: his
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
消息 : information
: not
准确 : accurate
2. Take it easy. You've made enough preparations.
bié dān xīn jīng zuò hǎo le chōng fèn de zhǔn bèi
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: don't
担心 : worry
: you
已经 : already
做好 : done
: (particle) used after an action that has taken place
充分 : enough
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
准备 : preparations
3. He is always very punctual.
zǒng shì fēi cháng zhǔn shí
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: he
总是 : always
非常 : very
准时 : punctual
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Cantonese Lessons - Learn Chinese : "Thank you"

PLEASE SUSCRIBE! Cantonese lessons, From the TV show "Cantonese In One Minute" - Created by Pierre-Francois Metayer. An efficient TV program using fun and humor to teach or learn Chinese. (Cantonese or Mandarin)

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