
战国时期在靠近长城一带有一位老人,他养了很多马。一天,马群中忽然有一匹马走失了。邻居们听说了这件事,都来安慰他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体。老人见有人安慰,笑笑说:"丢了一匹马损失不大,没准还会带来福气。"...... [Learning Guide] [Pinyin Edition] [Other Languages] {audio}20121010-saiweng1F.mp3{/audio} Read More @ Source

Chinese Module 1 Lesson 11 with Review Lessons

WHAT DID YOU DO YESTERDAY?Glossika's Beginner's Chinese. Follow one lesson every day. These videos include review from the previous 5 lessons for ultimate retention and practice, so you get up to 5x practice of all the material. For extra benefit, you can watch one lesson for two days before going on. Text here: www.facebook.com

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