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Pronunciation : shǐ
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. drive. (v)
  2. sail. (v)
Radical :
Strokes : 8
Traditional : ( Stroke Order )
Usage : 5.3%
Common Words / Phrases:
bēn shǐ
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : run quickly; speed
xíng shǐ
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : go; travel
1. He drives at a high speed in the open country.
kāi zhe chē bēn shǐ zài yuán shàng
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: he
: drive
: placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state
: car
奔驶 : speed
: at
原野上 : oepn country
2. The ship is sailing eastwards.
lún chuán zài xiàng dōng háng shǐ
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轮船 : ship
: towards
: direction
: east
行驶 : sailing
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