听新闻学汉语 2012年10月19日

今日话题: * 中乌两国领导人互致贺电庆祝两国建交50周年 * 第67届联大选举产生5个安理会非常任理事国* 6岁男孩种出92公斤重大南瓜 超自己体重4倍     (本节目由iMandarinPod.com和央视网英语频道CNTV.com联合制作) [Learning Guide] [Other Languages] {audio}sc20121019.mp3{/audio}   Read More @ Source

Chinese Module 1 Lesson 21 with Review Lessons

NICE BOOTS! CLOTHES.Glossika's Beginner's Chinese. Follow one lesson every day. These videos include review from the previous 5 lessons for ultimate retention and practice, so you get up to 5x practice of all the material. For extra benefit, you can watch one lesson for two days before going on.

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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