Sentences with Chinese Characteristics – Part 1

  • The following is a collection of sentences in Mandarin which I believe are special in some way.
  • What do I mean by "special"? Well, let's just say grammatically and structurally they're not exactly typical. and in most cases they stand-alone as in independent expression. Plus, many of them contain elements of Chinese culture that set them apart from regular sentences.


1. 你吃饭了吗? nǐ chī fàn le ma?

Literally: '"Have you eaten?"

Function: Greet someone when Chinese meet each other.

Near-equivalent phrase in English: "How's it going?" or "How are you?"



2. 你多吃一点。 nǐ duō chī yì diǎn.

Literally: "Eat some more."

Function: Expresses one's hospility for a guest.

Near-equivalent phrase in English: "Have some more."



3. 慢慢吃。 màn man chī.

Literally: "Eat slowly."

Function: Expresses politeness to someone when eating.

Near-equvalent phrase in Ehglish: "BoN appétit" or "enjoy your meal".



4. 慢走。Mànzǒu.

Literally: "Walk slowly."

Function: Expresses politeness to someone when leaving someone's house or a hotel, restaurant, etc.

Near-equvalent phrase in English: "BoN appétit" or  "enjoy your meal".



5. 慢慢来。 màn man lái.

Literally: "Come slowly."

Function: Expresses to someone to take it easy.

Near-equvalent phrase in English: "Take it easy", "Take your time" or "Easy does it".



6. 我跟你讲。wǒ gēn nǐ jiǎng.

Literally: "I speak to you."

Funtion: Used to get someone to listen to you when you want you tell them something you think is important.

Near-equivalent phrase in English: "Look,…" or "Listen,…"



7. 我先走了。wǒ xiān zǒu le.

Literally: "I go first."

Function: Used to tell someone that you're leaving, and that they can stay in the same place if they wish.

Near-equivalent phrase in English: "I'm off." or "I gotta run."



8. 请问一下。 qǐnɡ wèn yí xià.

Literally: "Please [let me] ask."

Funtion: Used when you wish to ask someone (usually a stranger) a question.

Near-equivalent phrase in English: "Excuse me."


source: 沪江汉语

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