Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟) – Tibetan Villages and Culture

Located in northern Sichuan province, Jiuzhaigou (literally "Valley of Nine Villages") is a stunning national park. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there are also nine Tibetan villages both in and just outside of the park. Explore a Tibetan guesthouse and some of the villages in this short video.

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九寨沟 – jiǔ zhài gōu



安多小院 – Ān duō xiǎo yuàn

Anduo Courtyard


西藏文化 – xī zàng wén huà

Tibetan culture


酥油茶 – sū yóu chá

yak butter tea


鱼香茄子 – yú xiāng qié zi

fish scented eggplant


煮牛肉 – zhǔ niú ròu

boiled beef


白菜豆腐汤 – bái cài dòu fu tāng

cabbage and tofu soup


人山人海 – rén shān rén hǎi

people mountain people sea (a sea of people)


西藏令旗 – xī zàng lìng qí

Tibetan prayer flags


牦牛肉干 – máo niú ròu gān

yak meat jerky


牦牛肉粉 – máo niú ròu fěn

yak meat rice noodles


篮球场 – lán qiú chǎng

basketball court

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